long loan from the sfpl

September 4th, 2020

The new due date for SF Public Library books is September 30th, which means on drop off day I’ll have had these books for 7 months! Actually, I Was Their American Dream by Malaka Gharib was on its third renewal, so it’s lived with me since January and is pretty much my roommate. I really love this book and have read it many many times during its extended pandemic stay. I’m going to feel so weird dropping it off in the returns slot, but maybe it’ll find its way into the hands of another biracial, tricultural person who’ll love it just as much as I do!

Looking at these books all together is also a weird feeling – it’s a time capsule about stuff I was interested in during the last stretch of the before times. I’m still interested in all these things, but there’s been a chasm of sourdough, macguyvering, disinfectant, mask-sewing, grocery-washing, the Nothing gulping down vast swaths of the city, fascism and racism horror, reckoning with mortality and thoughts about legacy, hopeful picture booking, friends permanently fleeing town, hundreds of kitchen hours, wildfire freakouts, and anxious hand-wringing between then and now. Oof.

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