nighttime creatures

January 18th, 2011

more from the nighttime stories sketchbook.

time lapsed stars
patient fox and time-lapsed stars.

out near the pedernales river in austin, texas!

hedgehogs in sir attenborough's backyard
from my favorite episode in David Attenborough’s Life of Mammals — the insect eaters.
hedgehogs are adorable. and the grunting! such grunting.

gentleman fox knickknack wall

February 20th, 2010


more fotoshoppe coloring practice. click. click. click. click. hunch. i like painting so much better!

saturday drorings

February 20th, 2010


i wish there were fireflies in california! we stayed at a b&b in pennsylvania last summer, and when the evening went purpley-red, we sat on a picnic table and watched the fireflies blinking. there weren’t any fences between the backyards in the neighborhood, so you could see the fireflies aglow on this long stretch of grass for blocks. i’d never seen so many! it was amazing.

fox knick knack wall with shelf fungus shelves:


victorian fox lady in bloomers riding a pennyfarthing:
