jab #2
Some illustration reportage from the post-vaccination waiting area at the Moscone Center for shot #2. I picked someone with interesting hair to sit behind for my 15 minutes (ginger braids!). Then I went home, inhaled a plate of food, and slept for three and a half hours. Steve isn’t eligible for shots til next week and I imagine appointments will be scarce at first, so we’re just going to carry on in our hermity way for a while yet (which is fine cuz I have a huge project to finish). Feeling relieved as more people start getting vaccinated.
The Moscone Center has done a great job at making getting jabbed a cheerful experience! The staff was super friendly and helpful and there were lots of encouraging signs. I appreciated the enormous cavernous space and plentiful keep-your-distance instruction as someone who hasn’t been inside a public building for more than a couple minutes in a year. As I left, a security guard dancing to Pharrell Williams’ Happy waved me out the door. SF D6 Supervisor Matt Haney’s twitter is a good one to follow to find available appointments and myturn.ca.gov navigating advice.
hotel utah open mic
Dispatches from various Monday nights on the balcony at the Hotel Utah Open Mic. This very slow sketchbooker appreciates how still musicians tend to stand during their 6 minute poses–errrr, sets.
skolstrejk för klimatet
Scene from yesterday’s school strike for climate in San Francisco. The kids did great. Climate action NOW!
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My cousin Siti at our nenek’s house in Malaysia in the 80s. From a family photo.
life drawing in rose
From a life drawing session at the workshop I went to over the weekend. The model had very expressive hands! Pretty happy with my new Daniel Smith watercolor tube, rose of ultramarine.
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Sketching out my friends’ Enchanted Forest birthdays party to remember it by.
The magical birthday girls…
…and me, their friend the nasturtium sprite.
my sister’s orchard
My sister’s house has a very diverse and tiny orchard behind it.
messing with new pens
Three Liza-ishes! Messing around with a new pen, the Zig Cocoiro. I like the brush refill, it’s like a Pentel brush pen but smaller. You can really mash a Cocoiro extra fine tip and it doesn’t seem to mind. The only bad thing is it isn’t waterproof.
lines + architecture
Stripey architecture! The immense and indescribable satisfaction of drawing a million little lines with a Hunt 107 nib pen.
A composite of several ghost towns.
A wooden church in Russia, from a photograph series by Richard Davies.
A house off highway 1 in 1984, found in a stack of old family photos.
Turf houses in Iceland.
L+S=20 | wedding planning
Our 20th (!!) anniversary party and wedding reception was on September 9. Here’s a sketchbook page from when it was all coalescing. I wanted to draw out all the bits to make sure they could be copacetic visually.
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A sketch about listening to the Cure’s Plainsong when I was 16. Sometimes you hear a song and it overcomes you and you have to hang on while the earth spins.
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my film camera, a 1972 olympus OM-2n. i will never ever ever give it up!
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Experiments in making watercolor-on-paper fake batik with the help of liquid masking fluid.
my 90s frocks
i attended high school with great sartorial exuberance. i’ve been working on this here and there for the past few months when i got stuck on other things (fantastic wacom tablet practice! i’m not afraid of it anymore). now what will i do to procrastinate?
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all the instruments in our (one bedroom) apartment as of yesterday:
note: in the last couple years, we have given away/sold/fostered out 1) another acoustic guitar, 2) a heavy metal electric purple axe, 3) a bass guitar, 4) a keyboard, 5) a set of enormous outdoor-type speakers. we use 2 amps for nightstands. there are three. it’s like the polyphonic spree up in here. this is clearly a cry for help. steve needs to start a band, stat.
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some drorings from around town.
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i recently returned from a delightful trip to london and paris. i brought a moleskine sketchbook and a pentel brush pen with me:
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oh la la! la belle france! a model in her drawers! another fabuleux evening at dr. sketchy’s anti-art school.
it’s sunny in san francisco today so the paleteros will probably be out in full force in the mission:

their popsicles are usually the severed heads of licensed characters so i made up a few of my own, but i guess they came out looking kinda gentrified:

the google image search on “paletas” always cheers me up.
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